Welcoming Casey Ryan


Philo Ridge Farm is very excited to welcome Casey Ryan as our new Managing Director. Casey comes to the farm with diverse experience in strategy, leadership development, organization design, and community building. A native New Englander, Casey has worked globally and across sectors to help organizations thrive while driving positive social and environmental change. Most recently, Casey spent years as an entrepreneur building enterprises at the intersection of the environment, technology, and health in the San Francisco Bay Area and Denver, Colorado. He now lives in Charlotte with his fiancée Oakley. You can read more about his background here.

We recently caught up with Casey to ask him how he is adjusting to life in Vermont. Keep reading below to hear from him…

There is so much to love about living in the Champlain Valley: the community, the landscape, the rich agricultural history, the focus on conservation, and the strong support for local business. This special confluence of beekeepers, bakers, brewers, farmers, nonprofits, and sustainable business leaders make this an extraordinary place to live and work. Oakley and I are grateful to be here and are eager to do our part in building on the history that comes before us.

On the weekends we have been exploring our new home. So far, we’ve hiked a few of the area’s classics like Mt. Philo, the Notch, and more hidden gems like Raven Ridge in North Ferrisburgh and LaPlatte Headwaters in Hinesburg. Next up on our list is Camel’s Hump and taking the ferry from Charlotte to Essex to explore the working farms of New York and the Adirondacks. Oakley and I have also joined the fan clubs of local favorites like Tomgirl Kitchen, Backdoor Bread, and Pizzeria Ida, and are looking forward to indoor dinning at Honey Road.

We’re also grateful to be reconnecting with family who live in the area. Recently, we hosted my siblings and their kids for an outdoor Easter Sunday brunch. Watching everyone devour pancakes made from Nitty Gritty’s cornbread mix and Philo Ridge Farm’s eggs, meat, and veggies made me feel full beyond measure. After almost twenty years on the West Coast, it’s amazing to be back in New England sharing local food with old and new friends alike.

Though I’ve only been on the farm a short while, I have already had some truly inspiring days here; and my fair share of surprising (and humbling) ones too. One memorable experience that stands out was helping Ed Pitcavage, our Land & Livestock Manager, in the Sheep Barn on a chilly Thursday evening in mid-March. Lambing season had just begun and I went to check on the animals before heading home. While there, Ed and I noticed that one of the ewe’s was suffering from a recurring uterine prolapse, which happens when pelvic floor muscles and ligaments stretch and weaken and no longer provide enough support for the uterus. After a decently long day sitting behind a computer at my desk, I was so grateful to be working with the animals and apprenticing with Ed. In fact, as I held the ewe, I smiled recalling the first time I saw the job description for this role. It stated that “candidates should be equally comfortable managing Excel as they are hosing off their muck boots.” That cold mid-March day was the perfect epitome of those sentiments and I hope for many more like it.

I am truly honored to join the Philo Ridge Farm team and build off the legacy that owners Peter and Diana have created. I care deeply about people and the planet and believe businesses can be uniquely capable of catalyzing positive change. Philo Ridge Farm is in good company with so many innovative organizations in Vermont doing meaningful work in the food industry.

I look forward to meeting our neighbors, partners, regulars, and new friends here at the farm in the weeks to come. If you have any questions (or hiking recommendations!) please don’t hesitate to reach out to cryan@philoridgefarm.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

Casey Ryan

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